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Namaqua Chamber of Commerce

Nyahbinghi House Of Namaqua

Company Details

Company Industry



Namakhoi Municipality

Years in Business

Company Profile

Organization/Company Values

  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Accountability

General Business Information

  • Nyahbinghi House of Namaqua
  • 34 Langstraat, Bergsig, Springbok, 8240.
  • Non-Profit Organization & Non-Profit Company


  • Managing Director & Head of Elders Council: Anton Kock - 071 197 2018
  • Head of Sisters Council: Malebogo Fillies - 066 173 6178
  • Voluntary Trustee: Ceril John Swartz - 078 365 3553

   Unpaid Volunteers

  • Rowayne Koopman - Chief Administrator/Jnr Project Manager - 063 927 0093


Originally founded as an NPO since 2011 and registered as NPC since December of 2022. The Nyahbinghi House of Namaqua NPO/NPC is a community-based organization that set itself to be of assistance to all communities that are in need, starting in the Namaqua District of the Northern Cape with the goal to spread across South Africa, who knows maybe even the world. Don't be alarmed by  the previous statement we remind ourselves to take it one step at a time and to aim for the best in whatever from it may be.

Mission Statement

Nyahbinghi House of Namaqua's mission is to:

  • Strive in empowering sport, woman, youth and business development.
  • Provide High-Quality, affordable community contracts/project solutions.
  • Assist South Africa in bridging the enormous skills gap it faces.
  • Change the poor mindset driving gennerations into the abyss.
  • Create and cultivate long-term  relationships with communities and partners.
  • Respond almost immedialtey to the changing needs of our communities.
  • Improve our services continuously.


The vision of Nyabhingi House of Namaqua is of building a self-sustainable organization with a highly efficient team and future partners to help improve the quality of life with the aim to unite in diversity and provide joy to communities and the construction a temple for the Rastafari Religion. To never be speechless, in being held accountable for actions taken.


At the Nyabhingi every community member can become part of the team, no matter what race or religion as long as the individuals accept the Nyabhingi way of life. This plays a vital role in identifying community development issues, with the expectation that they provide written notice as a method of reporting it to us and other applicable organizations to see how we can be of assistance in the mitigation of the identified risks. 

In initiating paid projects that provide soft skills to graduates as well as school dropouts that helps and protects communities in the struggle against unemployment, poverty, food security and development in the vast sector of arts, entertainment and recreation we are operating in.

Company Contact Info

Company Telephone


Company Email

[email protected]

Company Website

Company Address

Company Physical Address

34 Langstraat Bersig Springbok 8240

Company Postal Address

34 Langstraat Bersig Springbok 8240

Proudly backed by our Endorsers

Malcolm Mostert
Johan Burger
Brunild Strauss
Johan Burger
Johan Burger
Johan Burger
Jaco Coetzee
Reinier Duraan
Michael van Niekerk
Goshaw Private Investigation & Security Service
Annalene van WYk
Javon Cloete
Charl Pampier
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