
Become a Member

Membership starts from as little as R100

The NCC is a non profit company that will:

  • Represent, lobby and advocate on matters that will allow Namaqualand district to become a thriving business and investor friendly environment.
  • Also, to energise local economic and entrepreneurial activity.
  • Acts as a resource to members including chamber activities, business support, skills development, knowledge transfer, dissemination and mentoring.


  • To establish a database of all active businesses within the Namaqua region.
  • To form a platform for business networking.
  • To create a more reliable communication channelling approach - to effectively streamline communication initiatives to all members.


  • We will be the voice for businesses and champion of economic development within our region; connecting leaders.
  • The contribution fee starts from R100 per company. If you would like to contribute more to the growth of the NCC and Namakwaland’s economy, we encourage you to do so. EFT payments are available and deposits can be made to FNB, branch code 210554, account no 62836868755. State your business name as reference.
  • We recognise that as a member of the NCC(NPC) it is a privilege that brings with it certain obligations and responsibilities.
  • We acknowledge that each member, company, group adheres to and upholds the NCC (NPC)’s values.

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