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Provision for soil erosion repairs at Ruigtevalleis, Roodekuil and Gamma substations.

Tender Details

Tender Number

MWP1767TX_Letter to Extend Validity Period of Ten

Closing Date

31 October, 2023


Company Issuing Tender : Northern Cape - ESKOM Holdings SOC Ltd

Title | Provision for soil erosion repairs at Ruigtevalleis, Roodekuil and Gamma substations.
Tender Issue Date   | Thursday, August 31, 2023
Tender Closing Date  | Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Industry Sector  | Civil Engineering
Tender Brief |
| Construction | Letter to Extend Validity Period _MWP1767TX_Provision for soil erosion repairs at Ruigtevalleis, Roodekuil and Gamma substations. |
| 31/08/2023 | in 60 days |

Tender Number: | MWP1767TX_Letter to Extend Validity Period of Ten
Department: | ESKOM
Tender Type: | Request for Bid(Open-Tender)
Province: | Northern Cape
Date Published: | Thursday, 31 August 2023
Closing Date: | Tuesday, 31 October 2023 - 10:00
Place where goods, works or services are required: | Not Applicable - Not Applicable - Not Applicable - 0000
Special Conditions: | N/A
Contact Person: | Candice Ratlhagane
Email: | [email protected]
Telephone number: | 011-800-6755
FAX Number: | 000-000-0000
Is there a briefing session?: | NO
Is it compulsory? | NO
Briefing Date and Time: |

Briefing Venue: | N/A
Letter to extend validity period of Tender_MWP1767TX_ (signed BM).pdf
Qualifying Criteria
Enterprise Size | Enterprise Size unavailable,
Business Classification | Service Provider
Black Company Status  | N/A
Black Ownership %   | 0.00%
Black Woman Ownership % | 0.00%
Qualifying Criteria Description  |
Tender Location Province  | Northern Cape
Tender Town | Kimberley
Person Issuing Tender | Candice Ratlhagane
Contact Details
Contact Telephone Number | N/A
Contact Cell Number   | N/A
Contact Email Address   | [email protected]


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