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Request for proposals to appoint a capable service provider for the supply, installation and maintenance of a DECT multi-cell VOIP telephone solution at the DSC Building for the Office of the Premier: Northern Cape

Tender Details

Tender Number

BID PO 02/07/2023

Closing Date

18 August, 2023


Tender Brief |
 | Services: Professional | Request for proposals to appoint a capable service provider for the supply, installation and maintenance of a DECT multi-cell VOIP telephone solution at the DSC Building for the Office of the Premier: Northern Cape |
 | 28/07/2023 | in 18 days |

Tender Number: | BID PO 02/07/2023
Department: | Northern Cape - Office of the Premier
Tender Type: | Request for Proposal
Province: | Northern Cape
Date Published: | Friday, 28 July 2023
Closing Date: | Friday, 18 August 2023 - 11:00
Place where goods, works or services are required: | 69 Memorial Road - Royaldene - Kimberley - 8301
Special Conditions: | N/A
Contact Person: | Alfreda Meyers
Email: | [email protected]
Telephone number: | 066-301-4434
FAX Number: | N/A
Is there a briefing session?: | Yes
Is it compulsory? | Yes
Briefing Date and Time: | Monday, 07 August 2023 - 10:00
Briefing Venue: | Office of the Premier-DSC Building, 69 Memorial Road, Kimberley
DECT Multi-cell Voip Telephone Solution.pdf
Qualifying Criteria
Enterprise Size | Enterprise Size unavailable,
Business Classification | Service Provider
Black Company Status  | N/A
Black Ownership %   | 0.00%
Black Woman Ownership % | 0.00%
Qualifying Criteria Description  |
Tender Location Province  | Northern Cape
Tender Town | Kimberley
Person Issuing Tender | Alfreda Meyers
Contact Details
Contact Telephone Number | N/A
Contact Cell Number   | N/A
Contact Email Address   | [email protected]


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