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Renovations of Chalets 1-10 and Reception Building, and Construction of a New Entrance Gate at Nossob in Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, Northern Cape Province

Tender Details

Tender Number


Closing Date

15 August, 2023


Tender Brief |
 | Construction of buildings | Renovations of Chalets 1-10 and Reception Building, and Construction of a New Entrance Gate at Nossob in Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, Northern Cape Province |
 | 27/06/2023 | in 50 days |

Tender Number: | ME-NO-0001
Department: | South African National Parks
Tender Type: | Request for Bid(Open-Tender)
Province: | Northern Cape
Date Published: | Tuesday, 27 June 2023
Closing Date: | Tuesday, 15 August 2023 - 12:00
Place where goods, works or services are required: | null
Special Conditions: | It is estimated that the tenderers must have a CIDB Contractor Grading 5GB or 4GBPE or Higher. The Tender document with BOQs will only be available at the Compulsory clarification meeting on the 18/07/2023 at 11h00. a Non-refundable cash fee of R300.00 is payable at collection of the tender document. The attached tender document to this advert is for information purpose only and must not be used to respond to the tender.
Contact Person: | GARRET KOBE
Email: | [email protected]
Telephone number: | 012-426-5132
FAX Number: | N/A
Is there a briefing session?: | Yes
Is it compulsory? | Yes
Briefing Date and Time: | Tuesday, 18 July 2023 - 11:00
Briefing Venue: | Park Management Offices, Twee Rivieren Rest Camp in Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park
Tender Advert ME-NO-0001 Renovation of Chalets at Nossob.pdf
Qualifying Criteria
Enterprise Size | Enterprise Size unavailable,
Business Classification | Contractor
Black Company Status  | N/A
Black Ownership %   | 0.00%
Black Woman Ownership % | 0.00%
Qualifying Criteria Description  |
Tender Location Province  | Northern Cape
Tender Town | Kimberley
Person Issuing Tender | GARRET KOBE
Contact Details
Contact Telephone Number | N/A
Contact Cell Number   | N/A
Contact Email Address   | [email protected]


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