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Williston internal water network upgrades

Tender Details

Tender Number

KHM T003/05/2023

Closing Date

14 June, 2023


Tender Brief |
 | Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities | WILLISTON INTERNAL WATER NETWORK UPGRADES- PHASE 2 |
 | 10/05/2023 | in 34 days |

Tender Number: | KHM T003/05/2023
Department: | Karoo Hoogland Local Municipality
Tender Type: | Request for Bid(Open-Tender)
Province: | Northern Cape
Date Published: | Wednesday, 10 May 2023
Closing Date: | Wednesday, 14 June 2023 - 12:00
Place where goods, works or services are required: | Mulder Street 2 - Williston, Northern Cape - Williston, Northern Cape - 8920
Special Conditions: | Bid documents will only be available from the time and date of the site clarification meeting. Documents must be booked and paid 48 hours before the meeting in order for the documents to be available for collection during the meeting. [email protected] CIDB Registration : Anticipated 3CE or Higher
Contact Person: | Frannie Lotter
Email: | [email protected]
Telephone number: | 053-285-0998
FAX Number: | N/A
Is there a briefing session?: | Yes
Is it compulsory? | Yes
Briefing Date and Time: | Wednesday, 24 May 2023 - 12:00
Briefing Venue: | Karoo Hoogland Municipality, Municipal Council Chambers, 2 Herbst Street, Across from Library
Tender Advert - Williston Internal Water Network T003 May 2023 KHM.docx
Qualifying Criteria
Enterprise Size | Enterprise Size unavailable,
Business Classification | Contractor
Black Company Status  | N/A
Black Ownership %   | 0.00%
Black Woman Ownership % | 0.00%
Qualifying Criteria Description  |
Tender Location Province  | Northern Cape
Tender Town | Williston
Person Issuing Tender | Frannie Lotter
Contact Details
Contact Telephone Number | N/A
Contact Cell Number   | N/A
Contact Email Address   | [email protected]


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Brunild Strauss
Johan Burger
Johan Burger
Johan Burger
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Goshaw Private Investigation & Security Service
Annalene van WYk
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